Archive for January, 2008


Pink or Blue?

January 12, 2008

Well, I finally know the gender of my second baby. Before I announce it here, let me pen down a comparison of my first and second pregnancy symptoms.   


My taste buds took a major switch this time from preferring salty and sweet food during my first pregnancy to the sour ones this round. I hardly ate any hokkien mee or curry mee, what’s more laksa during the first one, but this time, I took a lot. And this baby doesn’t seem to like ice-cream that much, compared to the first one. Also, I felt that I’m more of a meat eater this round compared to the first time where I would prefer vegetables.   

Belly shape 

Despite me starting to wear my maternity clothes a few weeks later this time, my belly shape is quite the same as last time, where I’m carrying high out front. 

Morning sickness 

Last time, I hardly vomited. The most, I would feel nauseous and felt like vomiting, but it did not come out. This time, however, I have vomited out more than I could keep track of. I even vomited in my working place’s car park. But most of the time, it normally happened when I was in the toilet. During both of my preggy times, I could not tolerate the toilet smell, but this time it was more serious. Even the sight of rubbish or a slight toilet stench nauseated me. But another common thing was that during both times, my morning sickness timeframes were about the same – they started when I was about to go into the 2nd trimester (Week 12) and diminished when I was entering Week 20.       


I hardly have any constipation this round compared to the last. And I’m much more tired this time too (maybe due to aging?). Imagine, I could doze off while halfway in a discussion with a colleague! I was thinking hard that time, and without me knowing it, I was already in dreamland 🙂 Complexion wise, I did have breakouts during my first 3 months for both pregnancies, but towards the 4th or 5th month, I would say that I hardly need to worry about it, in fact I could skip my facials too and still feeling great. As for my itchy skin, I started to feel itchiness around my back during my 3rd month (for my first pregnancy). Where as, during my second pregnancy, it only came about my 5th month, and I felt it most at the sides of my expanding belly.   

So, after reading this comparison, do you think I’m going to have a boy or a girl? My maternal instinct told me that I was going to have a boy last time but this round, I felt that I’m carrying a girl. Wanna know the answer? Drum roll please….. Well, the ultrasound scan showed 3 lines – and my ob told me that normally girls will have 3 lines while boys would have 2 lines. So, you know the answer already – yes. I’m going to have another princess J, whom I hope would be a great companion for little Sze Yi.